After seeing a New York Times post on different ice shacks in Canada, I was inspired to document some found in Maine.
I headed out to Hermon Pond, a pretty quick drive from the office, to see if I could find any.
I was pleasantly surprised to find a good amount of all different shapes and sizes spread throughout the pond. I threw on my micro-spikes and started the long walk down the plowed runway. No, I wasn’t a real Mainer and didn’t drive my Jetta on the ice.
I’ve never been on that large of a frozen body of water. To be honest, it kind of freaked me out. Every time the ice released pressure, I jumped a little, even though I knew the ice was over a foot deep.
By the time I started shooting, the sun was starting to set. Some of the shacks were illuminated by a golden light, while others were cast in a blue shadow. I played with both lighting situations and seemed to like the deep blue better. To me, it almost lets you feel the cold in the photos.
After about 30 minutes of shooting, I started my haul back to my car and was pleased with what I came away with.
Any day where I can spend most of it outside making photos is a good day.
Amazing photos–thank you!!