For my “Best of 2014” list, I chose a few images from this year’s important news events, but I mostly chose smaller pictures that deserve a second look.
A routine protest at USM turned almost surreal as students invaded a trustees meeting, commandeering their seats and sampling their lunches. The “I Like Mike” sign was my most memorable photo of hundreds from what seemed like an endless election season because, in the end, who wins is the only lasting story.
Photographing crying children is not easy or pleasant, but I think the image reflects the profound sadness the community felt at the murder of three children and their mother in Saco.
I owe a debt of thanks to Autumn Clair, the 16-year-old who let me document the inevitable goodbye between her and Pedro. I like the moment and the split composition of clothing designer Roxi Suger looking at her model in the mirror. Another mirror picture shows the intensity of a young actress as she cuts her hair in order to play a prisoner in a concentration camp.
I’m continually amazed at the beautiful, intimate moments I’m allowed to witness doing this job: henna artist Mary Kearns applying traditional patterns to a pregnant belly while another woman feeds her child. That’s a real gift.
On a pretty routine food story I caught Dhanya Chasmawala giving her big brother Gautam a taste of her ice cream. It’s not newsy, but it made my day. Just a few weeks back, while having lunch in Portland, I stood up and noticed people walking through a patch of sun through the “d” of the deli sign — another non-news photo that made me happy to be a photographer.
Sadly, the University of New England shut down its seal rehabilitation facility, but not before releasing one last batch of pinnipeds, including Stratton, who had a good look around before wriggling back to the sea.
My final pick is the University of Maine hockey team taking to the ice at Fenway Park. That was a fun assignment.
I chose three videos for this list that I think hold up to more than one viewing.